What is IRATA?

IRATA, the Industrial Rope Access Trade Association was formed in the late 1980′s ,as the result of an initiative by a number of leading companies involved in industrial rope access techniques, to provide a safe working environment for the industry.

IRATA www.irata.org is the sole global trade association in the work-at-height sector; it has member companies in every continent. Industrial rope access has been developed by IRATA in the last 20 years to a point where it is the chosen means of access for much of the work in the offshore oil and gas industry as well as a range of projects in construction, civil engineering, the built and natural environment and much more. Its success is based on thorough training and strict work guidelines that deliver an unrivalled safe working record year after year.

Safety is paramount in our industry. Since its formation IRATA, and its member companies, have worked assiduously to:

  • Improve safety in the industry.
  • Produce an industry standard set of guidelines and training requirements.
  • Provide a comprehensive assessment and registration process for operatives.

Much of this work has been carried in close liaison with the Health and Safety Executive (UK). This has created an effective framework within which, in the decade that IRATA has been collecting safety statistics, there have been NO major or fatal accidents amongst its members. The incident rate for members is consistently well below that of other industries during the same period. Rope access provides an effective, efficient and economic means of access. However it must be carried out in a proficient and safe manner.

Client satisfaction is monitored through regular Client feedback.